Update from the Executive Director

On April 10, 2024, Playworks Wisconsin hosted over 1,000 Junior Coaches at Marquette University. We brought together youth leaders from across the state to build community and celebrate a year of youth development through play. These 4th through 8th grade students dedicated a significant portion of their school year to building community, connectedness, and a culture of good sporting behavior at their schools. They ensured that every kid at their schools could get in the game, positively work through challenging moments, and see themselves as a leader in their community. These youth leaders set the tone for an incredible, playful year in Wisconsin.

In the 2023-24 school year, Playworks Wisconsin experienced a 19% increase in impact. Over 23,378 Wisconsin kids attend schools that are partnered with Playworks. Schools in Milwaukee saw the largest jump in Playworks partnership with a 32% year-over-year increase. We are incredibly proud of this growth and it is a testament to the dedication of our staff, educators, and the Junior Coach youth leaders at our schools. Over 1,200 of our students were trained in our Junior Coach Leadership program this year alone. Some of our Junior Coaches were inspired to get in the game by past Junior Coaches.

“Our current Junior Coaches have not known elementary school without Playworks. Our current fifth graders were kindergarteners when we started our Playworks partnership, and many have been dreaming of being a Junior Coach since they were 5 years old. We have Junior Coaches who, when they were younger, really struggled with self-regulation, self confidence and conflict resolution, and are now leading students in younger grades, demonstrating such growth and confidence as student leaders. I was sharing a memory of one of our former Junior Coaches with a current 4th grade Junior Coach, and he said, “She is the reason I am a Junior Coach!” The positive impact students can have on each other – and the positive relationships formed through this program is priceless!”
– Wisconsin Teacher via the Playworks Annual Educator Survey 2023

On behalf of our team, board, and educators, I would like to thank our supporters from Brady Corporation, Bader Philanthropies, the Milwaukee Bucks, Johnson Controls, OneAmerica, and many others. Without their support we would not have been able to support so many kids this year.

In the coming school year, our focus remains on ensuring that more Wisconsin kids feel welcome at school, connected with their peers, and see themselves as leaders. You are invited to join the movement!

See You on the Playground,

PJ Dever
Executive Director

This year we served




Youth Leaders




58.94% Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students

“We have seen such positive change here at our school since partnering with Playworks 6 years ago. The professional development, strategies and empowerment provided to our recess supervisors is strong, and our team has built up their strategy bank for working through recess and transition challenges. The Junior Coach program is also a tremendous asset to our school community, teaching and empowering students as leaders within their peer group and throughout the school. I can’t say enough good things about what our partnership with Playworks has done for our school community as a whole. “

– Wisconsin Classroom Teacher

According to our Annual Survey,

% of educators agree that Playworks helps…

increase the number of students that are
physically active


students develop the skills to succeed in their learning community


improve the school climate




create an environment of belonging



reduction in the number of disciplinary incidents



create opportunities for inclusion of diverse groups of students


Local Highlight: 2024 Junior Coach Leadership Conference

group of Junior Coaches

On April 10, 2024, Playworks Wisconsin hosted our 12th Annual Junior Coach Leadership Conference sponsored by the Greater Milwaukee Foundation at Marquette University. The event brought together over 1,000 students from across the state to celebrate the impact of their leadership on the playground. The energy on the Marquette Campus was electric as Junior Coaches for different schools met each other for the first time.

Every Playworks school has a team of 20 to 40 Junior Coaches who serve as game leaders and community builders on the playground and in the classroom. The 4th through 8th grade program participants attend monthly training led by their Playworks Coach. At these trainings, the Junior Coaches learn how to facilitate games, positively resolve conflicts, and model good sporting behavior. Then the Junior Coaches take to the playground on their weekly shift where they lead games and model good sporting behavior for the younger students at the school. After a whole year of service to their school community, these leaders deserved an epic celebration!

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kids playing outside