Meet Ms. Lambrecht, our March Educator of the Month!
Ms. Lambrecht was nominated for healthy play because she is always participating fully and putting her heart and soul into play at Brown Street Academy. No matter what the weather is like outside and no matter what kind of challenging morning she might have had, she always comes out to the playground ready to get actively involved in play!
At any given recess, she can be seen turning the jump rope, giving out high fives at basketball, or booting the ball at kickball. She spreads herself out at every recess game and models one of our favorite recess strategies of always complimenting students around her. She even stands by the cones some days to make sure students are not lining up early because she believes students should play and get all their energy out until the very last second when the whistle blows. She uses terms that students understand and she explains the reasons behind recess rules like safety and respect. She truly listens when students come to her with issues or arguments and she continues to be a true recess rockstar!