Our Playworks staff sat down with Junior Coach, Amera Severtson on the Hamlin Garland School playground to learn more about her leadership skills and how they’ve transformed her and her playground throughout her participation in the Playworks Junior Coach Leadership Program.
Name: Amera Severtson
Grade: 4th
School: Hamlin Garland School
Favorite Subject: Art
Favorite Recess game: Hula Tag
Hobbies: Upcycling and drawing
Future Goals: “When I grow up I want to be a Playworks Coach!”
What motivated you to become a Junior Coach?
My kindness motivated me to become a Junior Coach and help the little kids. I also wanted the extra responsibilities.
How have you seen Playworks Junior Coaches change the playground?
Before Playworks there was only gym class, but now we have another way to be active and play a lot of new games like Mr. Fox, dead cow, rainbow tag, and hula tag.
What have you learned about yourself since becoming a Junior Coach?
I’ve learned to be more responsible. When you are a Junior Coach you have a lot more responsibilities and rules to follow to be a leader. I have to be on time, know my weekly schedule for my Junior Coach shift, remember how to set up all the games, and remember the rules to all the games. My favorite game to lead is hula tag.
What advice would you give to a younger student who wants to become a Junior Coach?
There will be lots of responsibilities but its a lot of fun! Learn all of the games at recess, remember to stay on time for everything, and know how to make up your own games with rules and explanations.
Why do you think Playworks is important?
It’s important for kids to get up and get active and coaches need more Junior Coaches to run the games at recess.
What is your favorite thing about being a Junior Coach?
I like being a leader to other kids and having them look up to me.
What do you like most about your coach?
He is really silly and gives good rules!