Meet Coach Steph

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Name: Steph La Haye (Coach Steph)
School: Garland Elementary
Favorite Recess Game: Roshambo Rock Star


This is my first year as a Playworks coach. Throughout college, I was a subcontracted tutor through Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS), providing in home tutoring for students who were underperforming. Also, having a mother who was an MPS teacher, I have spent many-a-summer-day in her classroom preparing for the upcoming school year. My philosophy is simple: Play is the best medicine. Regardless of what ails you, physical activity is a proven stress reliever — and even better if you can have some laughs along the way.

What drew you to being coach with Playworks?

Playworks’ philosophies on just about everything drew me to the organization. Playworks’ belief system doesn’t only teach students how to be genuinely good people, it touches the hearts of everyone who comes in contact with it. Every value that I hold dear has a place within the Playworks framework, and it’s been such a blessing to find a job whose beliefs align so perfectly with my own.

What excites you most about Playworks programming?

Putting Playworks beliefs into action. I truly believe in our mission and can’t wait to get movement behind it.

Anything else you would like to share?

I would love to collaborate with teachers, paraprofessionals, and teacher’s assistants on curriculum throughout the year so we can align class game time and recess with what the students are learning in class.

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