Nine Recess Roll-Out Coaches and two support staff brought energized play to nine playgrounds this May. Here are a few quotes and stories from the week-long demonstration of Playworks:
“I have never seen the kids play so enthusiastically before. They’re actually trying to work out problems with games [rock, paper, scissors]. How can we guarantee a way to get Playworks at this school?” -Recess Monitor
Coach Debbie Serota shared this story Tuesday afternoon:
Yesterday when I walked into the school, Ms. Angie, who supervises the K/1 recess, told me that her biggest problem at recess is a kindergardener [we’ll call Suzie] who will not leave Ms. Angie’s side. Ms. Angie said that no matter what she does, Suzie won’t go play during recess. This morning, Suzie’s class came out for class game time and we played Cookie Jar. At recess I recruited Ms. Angie to lead Cookie Jar, which she had watched me lead the day before during recess, and I went and taught switch. At the end of recess, Ms. Angie came over to me with a big smile, her hands up in the air, and said, “look Coach, look what’s missing! I don’t have my shadow anymore. Suzie played today! She played Cookie Jar the whole recess! She has never played a single game ever at recess–but she played…on her own! Coach, you have no idea how much you just changed my life.“
“Wait Coach C, don’t end the game yet, I didn’t get a chance to play!” -A teacher“The kids had a really good time yesterday. They came back to class energized yet really calm. I like that!” – Third Grade Teacher
Standing on a landing overlooking the playground stands the School security guard, who just so happens to be a ten year veteran. Mired in the ebb and flow of the playground Ms. Jacqueline has seen good times and some very, very bad times. There she stood, stolid and steady, rock solid and unflinching. Her unwavering eye detailing the activities of the playground, ready to intervene in a moment should something happen outside of the rules.