On February 22, 2017, over 160 Junior Coaches in 11 Santa Ana Unified Playworks partner schools came together at the Long Beach City College for their Leadership Retreat. The olympic theme gave the Junior Coaches a chance to earn their rings in leadership, inclusion, respect, teamwork, and empowerment at each game station they participated in. The games they played included castle ball, capture the flag, prisoner, and many others.
This event was made possible by Laureus Foundation USA, Mercedes-Benz, and their volunteers. They helped fill the gift bags with healthy snacks and an awesome Mercedes-Benz/Laureus water bottle, played games with the kids as great adult role models, gave lots of high-fives, encouraged players with phrases like, "good job, nice try," and supported a positive and playful environment. They even brought a G-Class SUV and Mercedes-AMG to the photo booth that kids could sit in and get behind the wheel!
Check out their event recap on their webpage.
To see some more great photos, check out our Facebook album.