Oak Foundation and Playworks partner to create a safe learning community

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Playworks NC would like to recognize Oak Foundation for its support of Playworks' efforts to increase children’s levels of physical activity, develop leadership and workforce skills, and create a safe and effective learning community.

Oak Foundation will support three Playworks partner schools in East Durham where more than 85 percent of students are eligible for free and/or reduced lunch: Maureen Joy Charter, Y.E Smith Elementary and Eastway Elementary.

Oak Foundation's contribution helps to improve the health and well-being of more than 1,300 students through daily physical activity and safe, meaningful play on the playground, in the classroom and beyond.

Oak Foundation commits its resources to addressing issues of global social and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged.  Since its establishment, Oak Foundation has made more than 3,000 grants to not-for-profit organizations across the globe. Oak has its main administrative office in Geneva, Switzerland and a presence in eight other countries: Belize, Bulgaria, Denmark, Ethiopia, India, the UK, the US and Zimbabwe.

For more information about the Oak Foundation, please visit, www.oakfnd.org.

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