Brittany Morgan is Playworks Durham Coach of the Month. Coach Brittany is a first year AmeriCorps coach at Sandy Ridge Elementary. Brittany's dedication to service and her commitment to high quality program have made her December's Coach of the Month!
Junior Coaches are essential to Playworks. In an effort to better set her Junior Coaches up for success, Coach Brittany created her own Junior Coach manual outlining details of the incentive system, game rules, and group agreements. Due to Coach Brittany's personalized Junior Coach manual; her little leaders take their responsibilities very seriously and this opportunity as a real job, supporting their friends and younger students each day.
The students at Sandy Ridge have really taken to Playworks, including the use of "ro-sham-bo" (rock, paper, scissors) as a tool to settle disagreement. Students use ro-sham-bo so much that the "Super Service Club" saw this as a great opportunity to raise funds. Coach Brittany helped the students of the Super Service Club put on a ro-sham-bo tournament that raised $103 for the Durham Rescue Mission.
Not only does Brittany support service in her students, she is extremely dedicated to service herself. You will find Brittany at every AmeriCorps service project smilling and excited. At the most recent service project with EDCI, Brittany stayed an extra few hours and was a great help to parents trying to pick out gifts for their children. Brittany was not only personable and caring; she also brought joy by encouraging other staff to dance along to holiday music with her during a break.
Coach Brittany's caring approach, attention to detail, and commitment has made her an all-around rock star this year. This month we give her a great big "Spider Clap"!
Get to know Coach Brittany:
Favorite Game: Line Ball/Bench Ball
Favorite Cheer: Why I ate the Pie
Favorite Thing about Durham: The pride the people have
If you could have any super power what would it be and why? To always understand how to effectively communicate with others so I would understand what the correct thing to say is and have a better viewpoint of where they are coming from.