Playworks TeamUp

With Playworks TeamUp, an expert collaborates across a cohort of schools each month to model and teach strategies, games, and systems to each school’s recess team to develop and sustain a high-quality and sustainable recess program at your site.

Recess Reboot

Playworks provides four days of on-site modeling and consulting with adults at your school during the school day to elevate your recess climate. Your team will learn to implement recess strategies, design an actionable plan to sustain a positive recess experience, and prepare to create and sustain a youth leadership program. Get in touch.

Consultation Visit

Our experts observe recess or playtime and utilize our years of expertise to build an action plan with strategies to implement to sustain a positive culture of play alongside your school or organization’s leadership and team. Find out more.


Playworks TagTeam for Youth Organizations

Playworks TagTeam is a certification program that builds capacity for out-of-school-time partners to run a recess service at schools in their community, including learning how to set up and maintain our signature Junior Coach Leadership Program. Find out more. 

Stories of Play

Ms. White playing at recess
Ms. White playing at recess

November 26, 2024

Ms. White Becomes Play Advocate ›

Initially, Ms. White was unsure about how play could enhance her teaching. She was focused on strengthening her student’s academic skills in the classroom and viewed recess as a “break”…

Ms. Pfeifer with students
Ms. Pfeifer with students

November 26, 2024

Ms. Pfeifer Builds Connections Through Play ›

Ms. Pfeifer, a new teacher with a background in school counseling, brought a deep commitment to social-emotional learning to her classroom. Through her partnership with Coach Isaiah, she embraced the…

Angel smiling on the playground
Angel smiling on the playground

November 26, 2024

Angel Discovers Confidence as a Leader ›

One of Coach Isaiah’s proudest achievements was creating the opportunity for one of his students, Angel, to transform into a confident leader on the playground. When Isaiah first met Angel,…

Explore Our Services

Onsite Coaches

Create a culture of play before, during, and after school every day with a skilled Playworks Coach.

Playworks Coach

Consultative Support

Equip your recess team through on-site support and modeling during the school day.

Playworks TeamUp

Recess Reboot

Staff Training

Sharpen play facilitation skills with professional development for your staff.

Playworks Pro for Schools

Playworks Pro for Youth Organizations

Online Learning

Experience on-demand access to games, best practices, and professional guidance.



Get In Touch

Bring Playworks to your school, district, or youth organization.

Contact Us