Resource Tag: Playworks for School

January 16, 2014
Optimizing Indoor Recess ›
Coach Karen in Detroit, Michigan shares her tips for a great indoor recess.

January 7, 2014
Making Recess Mandates Work ›
When school districts mandate recess, play advocates cheer, but how do schools make recess work?

December 19, 2013
How to Take Charge of Winter Recess ›
Seven steps to prepare for recess this winter

October 24, 2013
Alternatives to Nixing Recess ›
An educator asks: What alternative consequences to taking away recess work?

September 19, 2013
Create a Gleeful Recess for Every Kid ›
How is recess at your child's school? Make the playground a place for every kid.

August 27, 2013
Kindergarten Readiness Games ›
Games for Soon to Be Kindergarteners to Practice Skills Necessary for School

August 6, 2013
Back to School: Getting Ready for Kindergarten ›
Six tips for parents to prepare their little learners for their first year of school.

April 24, 2013
Four Tips to Teach Fun New Games at Recess ›
Guest blogger Myla Marks shares how adults on the playground can get beyond “They don’t want to play with me.”

September 10, 2012
Help Your Child Make Friends at School ›
Parents can help their kindergartners or children new to school make friends.