How to play this fun variation of the game Switch, in teams of two!

For the month of September we are sharing Rock Paper Scissor and Switch games. The game of Switch teaches following directions and using rock paper scissors for decision making. This week's game is a fun variation that incorporates team work. The Game of the Week is Partner Switch!

Group Size:  Any size

Age Group:  Pre K-Grade 5
Length of Activity:  Under 10 minutes
Developmental Goal:  To develop active listening capability.
Equipment:  Cones

Before You Start: 

  • Make sure everyone know the four areas to run to.
  • Review how to play rock-paper-scissor.
  • Play a practice round.

Set Up: 

Use a four square or a small space with four cones in a square and one different cone in the middle.

How To Play: 

  • Ten players at a time. Each player has a partner. Each pair occupies a corner or the middle.
  • Play begins when the pair in the middle yells “Switch”.
  • All players must find a new corner/cone with their partner to occupy. No player can go to the center cone, and no pair can split up.
  • If two pairs arrive in a corner at the same time a quick rock-paper-scissors is played between one player on each team, the winner stays.
  • The next pair in line becomes the players in the middle and begins the next round.


Find more new and exciting games in our games library!

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