How to play Morph – a fun game that teaches rock paper scissors.

The Game of the Month is Switch. For all of September we will be sharing Rock Paper Scissor and Switch games. This week's game is teaches following directions and using rock paper scissors for decision making. The Game of the Week is Morph (also called Evolution)!

Group Size:  Large group (10 or more)

Age Group:  Grades 1-5
Length of Activity:  10 minutes or more
Developmental Goal:  To increase social comfort and to improve non-verbal communication
Equipment:  None

Before You Start: 

  • Have the whole group gather in a contained area.
  • Explain the evolution of all life in our group goes in this order: First the egg, then the chicken, the dinosaur, rock star, superhero.
  • Each stage of evolution has a corresponding action – egg is low to the ground with hands over their head, chicken walks like a chicken and clucks, dinosaur has arms outstretched like big jaws, etc.
  • Demonstrate clearly the different steps and order of evolution, including what to do if you win or do not win Rock Paper Scissors (also called Ro Sham Bo). 
  • Make sure that everyone knows how to play Ro Sham Bo.
  • Remind players that they can only do Rock Paper Scissors with someone who is at the same stage of evolution, this encourages players to interact with many different people, not just their friends. 

How To Play: 

  • Everyone begins as an egg. 
  • Players mix up, pair up and play Rock Paper Scissors (also called Ro Sham Bo).
  • The person who wins evolves to the next step, the person who did not win goes down a stage.  If the player is already an egg s/he remains an egg.
  • Players pair up again, only with someone who is in the same stage of evolution. 
  • When a player evolves all the way to a superhero, s/he is finished and can fly around the area.
  • Game ends when all the players are also superheroes or when the time limit is up.


  • Allow players who lose Rock Paper Scissors to remain at their current stage of evolution – this makes the game go a little faster.

Find more new and exciting games in our games library!

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