How to play this cooperative indoor recess — the Maze Game.

The Game of the Month is Four Corners! This month we're sharing fun indoor recess games. This cooperative game can be played in a corner of the classroom or the end of a hallway. The Game of the Week is the Maze Game!

Group Size:  Any Size

Age Group:   Grades 3+
Length of Activity:   Less than 10 minutes
Developmental Goal:   To develop strategic thinking.
Equipment:   Tape, poly spots, or chalk

Before You Start: 

  • Number players from one up. 
  • Remind everyone that this is a silent game and the must remain silent for the entire time. 
  • Tell the group there is a hidden path from the start to the end of the maze. 

Set Up: 

Create a 5×5 (or larger) grid for the maze with designated start€™ and end squares using tape, poly spots or chalk.€™ On a small piece of paper, create a map of the correct path the group must travel that only the leader will be able to see.

How to Play: 

  • As a group, their goal is to find the secret path and get everyone from the start point to end. 
  • Students take turns according to their number and they each get a chance to guess where the path is.
  • When it is their turn, they will step into the maze at the start and begin to choose an adjacent square – either forward, to the side or diagonal to the one they are standing on.
  • The player may look to his/her classmates for help.
  • The others may signal silently, such as: signal yes by giving a thumbs up, signal maybe by giving thumbs in the middle, and signal no by giving a thumbs down.
  • If the square the student has stepped into is on the path, let them know by saying “Yes.” If it is a square that is not on the path, tell them “No.” Or use silent signals, too.
  • Players continue their turn if they are right.
  • Once they step into an incorrect square, it is the next person’s turn.
  • As they begin to discover the path, they can mark it with markers to help the rest of the group.
  • Once they have uncovered the secret path each person needs to go through from start to end, while everyone continues to remain silent.


  • Squares can be repeated in the course of the path.
  • Do not inform students of the markers, just have them by the side of the maze and see if they notice. 
  • Let students make up their own silent signals instead of using the thumb method.
  • Challenge students by not letting them use facial expressions.
Find more new and exciting games in our games library!

Love implementing Game of the Week? Playworks offers professional development programs that will teach your staff to use recess and playtime to improve health and support learning. Curious to learn more? Submit the Training Assessment form and a local Playworks representative will respond directly.


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