How to play Dance Freeze, a fun movement game with music.

Add some fun and movement to your day with this game. All that is needed is some form of music player–radio, a music or video streaming website, stereo–and some willing bodies. This game is simple, can be play in small spaces and is fun to play over and over. The Game of the Week is Dance Freeze!

Group Size:  Any Size

Age Group:  Pre K – Grade 5
Length of Activity:  10 minutes or more
Developmental Goal:  To increase aerobic fitness through ongoing dance
Equipment:  Music player

Before You Start: 

  • Designate an open area free of obstacles. If objects are present that cannot be moved, point them out and remind everyone that they must be careful not to touch another person or object.
  • Have the radio or music player ready with an appropriate station or music selection. 

How To Play: 

  • In this activity, everyone dance as the music plays.
  • When the music stops, each player must freeze immediately and hold that position until the music begins again.
  • If a player does not freeze immediately, s/he does 10 jumping jacks during the start of the next round and then rejoins the dance.
  • Since this is an aerobic game, it is better not for players to get “out.” 


  • Assign players as a look-out and have them pick out a unique dance move. When the music stops, they demonstrate the move for everyone; the group tries the new move at the start of the next round. 
  • Rather than have players do 10 jumping jacks, have them do something else- push ups, a balance challenge, act as DJ, etc.


Find more new and exciting games in our games library!


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