For Back to School, we are sharing games that develop school readiness skills. This week's game is great for teaching preschoolers listening and color identification. The Game of the Week is Colors!
Group Size: Large group (10 or more)
Before You Start:
- Identify visual boundaries (coned or chalked)
- Review colors
- Identify and demonstrate a movement for players to use, such as walking, skipping, chicken walk, galloping or running.
- Discuss how to moving while being aware of others
Set Up:
Place colored items throughout playing area
How To Play:
- Call out a color. Every player must move to a dot of that color and place one foot on the dot.
- Be sure that everyone found a dot, and there aren’t too many players on one color.
- Give players the chance to name other objects with that color. “The sun is yellow! So are our pencils!”
- Start all over with a new color.
- Instead of calling out a color, call out an object such as the grass. Playworks must run to a dot of that object’s color (i.e. green).
Indoor Modifications:
- Modify movements so that they are safe for the area that you are using.
Find more new and exciting games in our games library!
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