How to play the lead-up game Catch and Pass Volleyball

Volleyball season has begun in our 23 cities with direct service programs. This is a time of great learning. Many third and fourth grade join the team barely or never having played the game before. It can be a great equalizer as everyone learns new skills together. The rules of play can be a bit challenging to those new to volleyball, so why not teach them with a game. That is why the game of the week is Catch and Pass Volleyball!

Group Size: Any size

Age Group: 

 Grades 1-5

Length of Activity: 

 10 minutes or more

Developmental Goal: 

 To teach teamwork while working together to get the ball over the net.


 Cones, Volleyball Net, Volleyball

Before You Start: 
  • Fairly split the group into two teams.
  • Have volunteers demonstrate the concepts of bumping, setting and serving.
  • Teach the rules of the game and ask the players to explain it back to you.
  • Emphasize the concept of passing and looking for the best place to return the ball.

Set Up: 
Create a traditional volleyball court, using lines or cones for clear boundaries.

How To Play: 
  • Arrange players in standard volleyball formation, with four to six players in two rows on each side of the net. Others wait in a line on each side to rotate into the game.
  • The ball is served by throwing or serving it over the net.
  • Players must catch, pass and throw or hit the ball back over the net in three tries or less.
  • Play continues until one team:

    • Hits or throws the ball outside the boundaries.
    • Does not put the ball into play on the other side of the net in three tries or less.
    • Allows the ball to touch the floor on their side.
  • This game can be used to teach rotation.

    • Only the serving team can earn points.
    • If the serving team loses a volley, the other team gets the serve.
    • Teams rotate each time they regain the serve.


If no net is available, consider a rope between two poles or having players practice hitting the ball above head level when returning it to the other team.

Find more new and exciting games in our games database!


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