Back to School Supplies for Active Kids

“Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.”

What Joe Fox expresses to Kathleen Kelly in You’ve Got Mail is echoed among millions of Americans.

Back to school season means a return to fall schedules and new beginnings, and with that comes the annual shopping trips.for school supplies. With the goal to encourage physically active kids, let’s include a few key items for kids’ play.

Shoes that kids can run, jump, skip and hop in! Those little feet grow fast. Now’s the time to grab a new pair of athletics shoes for your active kid.

Clothes kids can get dirty! A nice new outfit is a great treat for the new school year, but no kid needs to be held back from their natural play because they are afraid to get their shirt dirty. Make sure your kids know their work is play, and if that means a few more sprays of stain removers, that’s just fine. Knowing the kids are growing up to be happy, healthy kids is far more important.

A bike or scooter (or their own two legs) to get to school! One of the best things we can do as parents is to give our kids the opportunity to walk to school. This daily activity builds a healthy routine that is both physically active and a great transition to help students prepare for their day. Not sure how to start? Check out Safe Routes Walk Bike to School site.

A daily green hour. Green hour is one dedicated hour each day that children can play outside in nature. This time gives kids vitamin D, an opportunity to be active and a greater appreciation for the great outdoors.

An equipment donation to your child’s school. With 300 kids on the playground every day, bouncy balls, jump ropes and hula hoops don’t always last long. Reach out to your school to see what equipment is needed. An equipment donation can help make recess fun for all kids.

What school supplies can will you be sure not to forget getting this year?

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