Holiday day gifts ideas to encourage to get kids active!

Guest blogger, Jennie Day-Burget, is a digital strategist for Prichard Communications and chairwoman of the board for Playworks Portland.

On the morning of my 5th birthday, as I excitedly ate my breakfast, I looked out the living room window to find a very mysterious swing set sitting in the backyard. With as much excitement as my tiny five year old heart could muster, I yelled, “Mom, someone left their swing set in the backyard!” Of course, no one actually left their swing set in the backyard but someone had, indeed, gifted me a swing set in the backyard. And as dolls grew tattered and toys broke, that swing set remained my steady, stalwart companion in play for years on end.
The point? Not that you should buy a swing set for every kid on your holiday list this year – that’s certainly not practical – but there are a variety of practical (and economical) gifts you can give the healthy kids on your shopping list, sure to inspire play activities, indoor games and outdoor games.. for years to come.
1) Bug catchers – not great for winter, but come summer… they’ll be exploring nature while running around outside chasing down all sorts of new eight-legged friends.
2) Soccer balls, basketballs, bouncy balls, oh my! Make sure they can get their physical education at home by making sure they’re stocked up on one of play’s best friends -balls!
3) A bike, roller skates or one of those sassy little scooters.
4) Active video games – you know the ones I’m talking about. The video games for kids that get them up dancing, running and playing as a family… not the ones that keep them sitting on their derrieres all day.
5) Gift certificates to the local kid’s gym, ice skating rink or for tennis, swimming or gymnastics lessons.
What gifts will you give to encourage your kids to be active this year?

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