Indoor Recess

coach playing with kids
coach playing with kids


January 6, 2015

Keeping kids active during winter ›

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Winter can be a difficult time for motivating activity in kids. The cold weather entices young ones to stay inside, sometimes playing video games instead of playing…

November 29, 2011

Five Ways to Keep Indoor Play Alive This Winter ›

  It’s that time of year again when cold, rain and snow keep our kids restless and fidgety, cooped up indoors. Here are some tips on indoor kids activities that…

Create a Plan to Improve Indoor Recess
Create a Plan to Improve Indoor Recess

January 16, 2014

Optimizing Indoor Recess ›

Coach Karen in Detroit, Michigan shares her tips for a great indoor recess.

February 19, 2014

Indoor Recess Survival Kit ›

Twelve fun activities and games for yet another recess inside the classroom.

February 1, 2012

Making Indoor Recess Work ›

Five ideas for active learners on rainy days.

December 26, 2012

Indoor Games to Play at Home ›

Games and activities to enjoy inside when your kids need a break from outdoor play

December 19, 2013

How to Take Charge of Winter Recess ›

Seven steps to prepare for recess this winter

January 27, 2012

Keep Recess Active When Indoors ›

New York Times' Motherlode reports on indoor recess.

Beanbags used in children's games
Beanbags used in children's games

March 6, 2014

Six Kids Games to Play with Bean Bags ›

Enjoy games with the whole family with a small set of bean bags.

December 20, 2012

Activities for Kids during Airport Layovers ›

Games and activities to do with your kids while waiting in an airport