A hundred professional business people stepped outside of their respective offices, replaced their suits with shorts – in one case a hot dog costume – and joined the staff of Playworks San Francisco in a kickball tournament, full of fun and excitement.
There was enthusiastic cheering, good food, good beer, and most importantly, fun had by all. The teams spent the first hour warming up, learning the rules of the game, and enjoying a delicious meal provided by Tacolicious. Before long, they were engaged in a Playworks-style tournament. Several hours of crazy, intense and fun play left the 24Hour Fitness team victorious.
Many thanks to teams
24Hr Fitness, Cupertino Electric, Quest Software, Revolution Foods, WAKA SF, Hot Studio, DPR Construction
to our sponsor, Anchor Steam
and to our vendors, including FedEx, Army Street Mini Storage, Abbey Party, Tacolicious, and Anchor Steam, and everyone else who came out to watch. We invite everyone back for next year's tournament, so even more people can join in the fun!