
Detroit Lions players at school
Detroit Lions players at school

October 24, 2018

Detroit Lions Attend Real Players Don’t Bully Event ›

Detroit Lions partnered with Playworks Michigan to promote inclusion, kindess and respect at a Real Players Don’t Bully pep rally at Hutchinson Elementary.

junior coach at podium
junior coach at podium

October 9, 2018

Pennsylvania Legislators Play to Prevent Bullying ›

“A well-rounded childhood is when a child has everything they need to learn and live in a respectful safe way,” Junior Coach Nafis explains to legislators and staffers at the…

Junior Coach talking to legislators
Junior Coach talking to legislators

October 9, 2018

Legislators Play to Prevent Bullying ›

“A well rounded childhood is when a child has everything they need to learn and live in a respectful safe way,” Junior Coach Nafis explains to legislators and staffers .…

Fox 2 Detroit News

October 11, 2017

Detroit Lions Connect with Kids at Anti-Bullying Pep Rally ›

Marvin Jones has plenty of experience getting into the end zone, but on Tuesday the Lions wide out and some his teammates entered the anti-bullying zone. “It’s all about spreading…


November 7, 2016

Playworks enforces anti-bullying in local schools ›

Playworks is a program that was invited into Yuma County schools by the Regional Center for Border Health (RCBH). As a part of anti-bullying campaigns across the country, the program…