Playworks is Top 10 Education Finalist in Global 100&Change Competition

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  2. 100&Change
  3. Civil Society
  4. Kindness
  5. Social and Emotional Learning

The MacArthur Foundation challenge drew over 1,904 applicants worldwide. See how play can change the world.

Playworks’ proposal for 100&Change, a global competition for a $100 million dollar grant to solve a seemingly intractable problem, ranked among the top 200 proposals. Across all categories, 1,904 organizations applied for 100&Change. Playworks was thrilled to be honored as one of the top ten proposals in the education category.

In December 2017, The MacArthur Foundation and the Foundation Center launched 100&Change Solutions Bank. The 100&Change Solutions Bank features proposals submitted for 100&Change. Through the Bank, the MacArthur Foundation and the Foundation Center aim to bring more visibility to bold proposals aiming to solve critical social problems and help like-minded organizations collaborate.

Check out Playworks’ profile on 100&Change Solutions Bank

Explore the top ten 100&Change proposals in education:

Why we think play can change the world:

Playworks is leveraging play to develop empathy and conflict resolution skills among children. Read excerpts from our proposal.

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