It’s Recess Checkup Week

  1. Updates

It can be hard to understand the impact that your play space has on your school’s culture and your students’ experience, and while there are a lot of solutions worth trying, it’s tough to know what’s working and what’s not.

Recess Lab is designed to help more principals, teachers, and students discover the power of play. Explore how improvements on the playground can impact the entire day at your school, then take the Recess Checkup, an online quiz designed to help you identify strengths and uncover areas for improvement.

Starting now through Friday, September 27, Playworks invites teachers and principals all over the country to retake the Recess Checkup. This is a great opportunity to see how your recess has progressed since the beginning of the school year.

Take the Checkup today. If you take the quiz this week, you will be automatically entered for a chance to win one of five PlayworksU subscriptions* (est. value $2000).  Learn more about PlayworksU here.

The Recess Checkup is 100% confidential. Only you can see your results, and we’ll never share your answers with anyone. Shortly after taking the quiz, we’ll send you an email with your updated results and recommendations tailored to your school and recess concerns.

You can continue to take the recess checkup and learn more how you can increase your impact on the playground using the power of play. 

Our current Recess Checkup week winners are Amy Woltering of Sandrock Elementary in Colorado and Stefanie Harris of Greenbriar Elementary School in Indiana.   They both won a one year subscription to PlayworksU online learning for their colleagues!  Congratulations Amy and Stefanie! 

Take the Checkup



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Children actively playing during recess
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