
screenshot of resource
screenshot of resource

November 5, 2021

AAA’s Creating Safe Spaces Guide and Lesson Plan ›

In partnership with AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah School Safety Patrol program, we’re proud to share teacher-led and student self-guided digital educational resources for Creating Safe Spaces – an…

Child high-fiving others
Child high-fiving others

September 21, 2021

Playworks Inaugural Day of Giving ›

Join us as we celebrate 25 years of play! Kids need to play more than ever. This year, Playworks is celebrating our 25th anniversary. That’s 25 years of inclusive games,…

Jill Vialet
Jill Vialet

August 24, 2021

Playworks Founder Jill Vialet Publishes ‘Why Play Works’ ›

Play brings out the best in every kid. Over the course of 25 years since Jill Vialet founded Playworks, she and her colleagues, as well as researchers and play experts,…

kids on playground with pool noodles
kids on playground with pool noodles

May 12, 2021

10 Tips for Teaching Physical Distance ›

As kids return to school in person… It may be difficult to keep them physically distant. Although the CDC has updated COVID safety guidance to be a physical distance of…

students playing on blacktop
students playing on blacktop

April 29, 2021

Leveraging Play to Address Learning Loss ›

In order to help kids recover from learning loss, we must ensure their emotional needs are met. We need to prioritize every child’s wellbeing, and that starts with acknowledging that…

kids playing foursquare
kids playing foursquare

April 22, 2021

The Importance of Including Recess in School Reopening Plans ›

To elementary school leaders and teachers, When offering guidance on school reopening, the CDC and most states don’t specifically provide guidelines for recess. Yet, we know that kids, parents, and…

coach leading classroom game
coach leading classroom game

April 2, 2021

Playworks supports Kaiser Permanente’s Planning for the Next Normal at School Playbook ›

In response to the pandemic and greater impact on schools and children, our partners Kaiser Permanente released Planning for the Next Normal at School: Keeping students, staff, and families safe…

kids standing in circle in gymnasium
kids standing in circle in gymnasium

March 25, 2021

Top 6 Games to Play Physically Distant with No Equipment ›

As more and more schools transition back to in-person learning, we know educators are looking for games that are physically-distant and don’t require equipment. The need for play is more…

adults on Zoom call
adults on Zoom call

March 12, 2021

Playworks: One Year Later ›

One year ago… All of our partner schools closed their buildings and our work serving kids in schools risked coming to a halt. We knew our mission had to continue.…