
October 10, 2011

Playworks Kicks Off Milestone Year in Big Way ›

It’s been 15 years since Playworks first stepped onto the playground in two Berkeley schools and began to change recess. Since then, what started as a good idea has developed into…

kids running
kids running

The Durham News

October 9, 2011

Playworks: New rules for recess ›

Children clamor out of their classrooms and into the recess yard. Rather than scramble to gain possession of footballs, basketballs, Hula Hoops and other equipment, the children quickly form six…

August 26, 2011

New Research Shows Decline in Emotional Health ›

Study also finds greater resiliency at schools that offer an extra boost of safe and healthy play

August 23, 2011

Schools Need Play Too! ›

Kids' learning suffers without recess, experts say

August 19, 2011

Playworks Nation Joins to Learn ›

In our biggest internal training to date, 135 Playworks staff gathered in Oakland, California. Staff from 22 cities joined in workshops on AmeriCorps and Coaching to Curriculum Building and Social Media.…

August 18, 2011

Elizabeth Cushing Named Playworks President ›

Oakland, CA— Elizabeth Cushing has been named president and chief operating officer of Playworks, a national nonprofit organization that brings play and physical activity to schools and youth organizations around the…

June 22, 2011

Big Play in the Big Apple ›

Jill Vialet

April 28, 2011

From Phoenix, AZ… ›

Stories and quotes from a week of recess play

April 8, 2011

The Miracle in Milwaukee ›

A week of recess changes schools, minds.