
May 31, 2012

Adults Love Kickball and Play to Benefit Kids ›

Corporate Kickball tournaments all across the country benefit students at Playworks schools.

May 30, 2012

Kids with Physically Active Friends are More Active Themselves ›

Being active is contagious, study says.

soccer game
soccer game

The Durham News

May 28, 2012

Putting the Play Back in Recess ›

DURHAM – Standing at the corner of a bustling blacktop, keeping watch over a few dozen first-graders playing four square and jumping rope, Parkwood Elementary School Principal Michael Somers tells…

May 18, 2012

Playworks founder named to ’40 FOR 40′ list from Women’s Sports Foundation ›

Jill Vialet joins Mia Hamm, Venus Williams, Robin Roberts, Tina Fey and Ellen DeGeneres as one of the WSF women who have impacted society.

May 17, 2012

Playworks founder named to 40 For 40 List ›

Jill Vialet has been recognized by the Women’s Sports Foundation’s (WSF) 40 FOR 40 list of women who have made a significant impact on society after playing sports in high school or…

kids playing
kids playing

The Clarion-Ledger

May 16, 2012

Miss. kids turning tide on obesity, report shows ›

It could be hopscotch or kickball or a rousing game of Ring-Around-The-Rosie, but whatever it is, the waistlines of Mississippi schoolchildren are slimming down. A new report released by the…

May 13, 2012

Student calls for longer recess: “We act now or never!” ›

Young advocate in the making gives three great reasons to lengthen school recess in persuasive essay.

May 11, 2012

Expanding play at recess in Houston public schools ›

Playworks rolls out recess to three additional Houston area school districts

April 30, 2012

Smoother Transitions and More Time for Learning at Playworks Schools, Study Says ›

Teachers reclaim instructional time in schools that partner with Playworks