This year Coach Makeda runs her program where she left off last year at PS 24 in Brooklyn, NY. PS 24 is in a predominantely hispanic community. In an effort to build more rapport, Coach Makeda has begun learning Spanish.
Coach has been able to really interact with parents through the family nights that she has thrown this school year. Each family night consists of games, cheers, snacks and a group clean up at the end. Her rapport building can really be seen in her relationship with her junior coaches. Each junior coach knows there responsibility and the importance of working together to facilitate a great recess.
At her recess, you will find a riveting game of soccer going on almost everyday. She makes a great effort to score a goal when she can and then she’s off to the next game. Coach runs a solid program with confidence. With this being her second year, Coach has taken on more of a leadership role by setting the example. She has been able to demonstrate organization skills, attention to detail but more importantly, the playful professionalism that it takes to be a successful coach! Go Coach Makeda!