New England
February 8, 2023
At the Mather School, you can find Playworks Junior Coach Cattleya leading her peers in recess games, resolving conflicts at recess, and modeling positive language on the playground. Read more…
NBC 10 News
Barbara Morse
February 6, 2023
Recess Rocks is recruiting Rhode Island schools for active indoor recess training, a partnership between Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, Rhode Island Healthy Schools Coalition and Playworks…
January 18, 2023
What does adult engagement look like at recess and why is it important? Adults actively engaging on the playground is important because it encourages healthy play at recess. Playworks’ programming recognizes…
January 10, 2023
Play is a behavior that is natural and has existed for thousands of years and across species. It combines a set of made-up rules or norms and a willingness to…
December 28, 2022
Over the last five weeks, we have been exploring the concept of joy. We’ve answered check-in questions on our Instagram based around joy, heard from five Coaches on Facebook about…
December 21, 2022
As we reflect on the past year, there are so many moments that brought us joy. Here are ten moments that top the charts! 1. In March, one of…
East Boston Times
Marianne Salza
December 16, 2022
The Red Sox Foundation visited the Patrick J. Kennedy School on December 1 during the final Play Ball event of its Reviving Baseball and Softball in Inner Cities seasonal youth…
December 14, 2022
We asked students at a Playworks partner school to finish the sentence: “I love recess because…” Here are a few of their responses:
December 9, 2022
What does it mean to prioritize joy and why is it important? Kids (and adults) have been through a lot in the last few years. While still recognizing the challenges…