Coach Jacqui is a first-year Playworks Coach at the Curley K-8 School in Jamaica Plain. Jacqui works hard every day to make sure the environment at the Curley is fun and inclusive for every student.
Jacqui always keeps the community at the Curley up to date with the latest Playworks news and recess schedules. Jacqui decorates bulletin boards to display in hallways throughout the school and sends home a bi-monthly newsletter to parents.
Throughout the school year, Jacqui has found a number of ways to get involved and engage the community. Jacqui joined the Olympics Club at school, helped plan an LGBTQ picnic, and recruited several community volunteers to support Playworks’ Youth Sports Leagues.
Jacqui is an adventurous and innovative leader, always looking for ways to improve games or come up with new ones! She loves creating new Playworks claps to celebrate her students. Since day 1, she has led by example, encouraging students to “try it on!” — one of our Playworks values.
Jacqui has demonstrated a knack for planning and collaboration, consistently working with school staff to make transitions more efficient to maximize play time. Through all her hard work, Jacqui always approaches each day at school with poise-under-pressure and unbreakable confidence.
We are proud to have a motivated, hard-working coach like Jacqui representing Playworks in the Boston community. We are confident that she will continue to make excellent happen at the Curley and beyond for the remainder of the school year.

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