Coach Justine is a second-year Playworks coach at Frost Elementary School in Lawrence, MA. In her second year, Justine has gone above and beyond to ensure the success of Playworks programs at her school. The playful and inclusive school environment Coach Justine has created at Frost has reached beyond the school day and set and example within the greater community.
Last month, Coach Justine’s school was featured on a CBS Boston Eye on Education segment highlighting Playworks programming in Massachusetts. It’s clear based on interviews with Frost staff members and Playworks Junior Coaches that Coach Justine is making a huge impact during recess and throughout the school day.
According to one teacher at Frost, “On any given day that you come visit the Frost School at recess time, you’re going to see kids leading games, participating in games and taking turns. It’s so great to see.”
Coach Justine frequently engages with volunteers from local businesses like New Balance, who serve as positive adult role models for students during recess. Justine is always warm and inviting towards visitors and sets a clear example of how to teach lessons of teamwork and cooperation through play.
Coach Justine practices what she preaches. She is a true team player within her school. Justine collaborates with teachers and school staff to overcome challenges and to ensure that students are getting the most out of every school day.
We are confident that through her positivity, patience, and solutions-oriented work ethic, Coach Justine will continue to make excellent happen at Frost and beyond.