Brown Brothers Harriman, Junior Coaches collaborate for Success

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Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) and Playworks recently teamed up to train twelve junior coaches from the Josiah Quincy Elementary School in collaborative leadership. The interactive 2-hour workshop, "Collaborating for Success", was developed by a working group of BBH volunteers and the Playworks leadership team to teach 5th grade junior coaches valuable lessons about collaboration their leadership role at recess.

Junior coaches used different types of communication, explored the diverse skills of the members of their community and learned about the importance of innovation in the workplace through a team challenge. The workshop was a resounding success, and BBH volunteers are looking forward to visiting recess at the Quincy School later this spring.

"Collaborating for Success" is part of a larger partnership between BBH and Playworks at the Josiah Quincy School. For the past two years, BBH has sponsored the school through through bi-monthly volunteer engagements and participating in the Playworks Annual Corporate Kickball tournament. 

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