Welcome to Playworks TeamUp! We are excited to partner with you to make recess a fun, inclusive time for every student at your school. Here are a number of resources to help get you started. Don’t worry – we will walk through everything together to set up for a great school year!
1. Review important documents
Playworks TeamUp – What to Expect (pdf) – One page overview of the TeamUp program and what to expect for the first few months of the school year
Playworks MN TeamUp Roles & Responsibilities (pdf) – Use this guide to determine who will fill the role of Recess Manager (Playworks point person), Recess Coach (recess lead who works most closely with Playworks), and the Recess Team
Theory of Change (pdf) – Description of our program model and impact
2024 Summer Institute Information (pdf) – Summer training institute for recess staff and administrators included in your partnership
2. Prepare key information to share with us about your school
Kickoff Meeting Checklist (pdf) – Review this document and gather the necessary information prior to your Kickoff Meeting with Playworks in August
Recess Equipment Suggestions (pdf) – Take inventory of your school’s equipment and compare it to our list of recommended equipment
3. Introduce Playworks to your school before we arrive!
School Welcome Email (pdf) – Customizable email template to send to your school community
Playworks TeamUp Media Kit (pdf) – Pictures, videos, and language assets you can use when you communicate about the partnership to your school community via newsletters, social media, email etc.
To share with recess staff:
Setting Up Your Recess Team (pdf) – Role overviews
Becoming a Recess Rockstar (pdf) – Packet to be shared with your recess staff
Great Recess Framework (pdf) – One-page description of the elements of a great recess
To share with parents and school community:
Playworks TeamUp Research Findings (pdf)
Play Powers Social Emotional Learning (pdf) – One-page infographic
Junior Coach Leadership Program (pdf) – One-page infographic
Parent Recess Advocacy Kit (pdf)
4. Other helpful resources:
Recess Coach Hiring Guide (pdf) – Still have recess positions to fill? See our best practices for hiring engaged youth workers
More about Playworks consultative support
More about Playworks staff training and online learning services