
September 29, 2011

Playworks Detroit Four Square Challenge 2012 ›

Playworks Detroit is proud to present a Four Square Challenge, a fundraiser to benefit healthy recess and play in low income schools in Detroit.  Local celebrities from media, community leaders,…

September 29, 2011

Get in the Game recognizes game changers ›

The Playworks Detroit 2012 Get in the Game luncheon and Game Changer Awards, sponsored in part by MGM Grand Detroit, is a signature event to recognize individuals, companies and organizations who are making…

September 29, 2011

Playworks Corporate Kickball 2013 ›

Corporate Kickball is an employee engagement event that brings employees together to play and promote teamwork. Your company will compete with other corporate sponsors in your city for the ever…

November 17, 2010

Play 60 Zone ›

Playworks Detroit and the Detroit Lions hosted a “Play 60 Zone” for kids and families during the pre-game Thanksgiving Day festivities at Ford Field. Playworks is a proud partner of the…

September 28, 2010

Kids Stuff Galore ›

Playworks Detroit hosted Saturday recess at New Center Park (West Grand Blvd and 2nd Ave) on Saturday, October 9, 2010. The festivities were part of Kids Stuff Galore! It was…

September 7, 2010

Playworks show Detroit students the value of play ›

Playworks staff from around the country descended on Detroit playgrounds to show children the power of play.  No game was off limits, as long as it was fun and safe. …

September 3, 2010

Playworks Veteran Joins Detroit Team ›

Coach John as he is affectionately known by the thousands of students he has touched over the past five years joins the Playworks Detroit Team as a Program Director. John…

September 2, 2010

Playworks Names Detroit Executive Director ›

Playworks is proud to announce and welcome Jeannine Gant as its new Executive Director in Detroit. Ms. Gant brings over 20 years of nonprofit management and fundraising experience in metro Detroit. …