Play Leadership Essentials


February 22, 2024 @ 9:00 am


February 23, 2024 @ 5:00 pm


Henry S Evans Elementary School

2915 E 35th Avenue
Lake Station, IN 46405 United States

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Our two day interactive workshop teaches proven strategies to foster a stronger sense of engagement, develop social/emotional skills, and enhance opportunities for physical activity. Taught by professional Playworks trainers, each workshop in the series draws on various learning styles and builds on core principles of child development. The program’s workshops include:

  1. The Power of Play—This workshop introduces the importance of play and lays the foundation for creating a safe, healthy, and respectful environment for children. It also includes a discussion of the various barriers children may face and how to overcome those barriers.
  2. Group Management 1: Proactive Strategies—Here we explore five key group management strategies that adults can use to set children up for successful group behavior.
  3. Effective Game Facilitation—This workshop is designed to increase participants’ ability to facilitate our games. In addition, we impart the Playworks methodology for transitioning between activities and building cooperation among children.
  4. Indoor Play Design—This workshop teaches participants indoor games to keep groups to keep kids physically active throughout the day, even on days when it’s not possible to get outdoors.

Join us at Henry S Evans Elementary on February 22 and 23 from 9:00-5:00 pm. 

Sign up now!