Junior Coaches- Leaders On and Off the Playground

  1. Updates

 Spring time at Playworks Indiana is filled with joy and activity as the days get longer and the weather gets warmer!

Students are able to enjoy more consistent outdoor play and recess; our 3rd and 4th graders have fun and build skills with after school developmental sports leagues like kickball; the end of the school year is fast approaching; and Junior Coaches are back out at recess leading their younger peers! Junior coaches are 4th and 5th grade students who want to be leaders in their school. They are able to go to recess with younger students, facilitate games, solve problems, and be a role model at school.

There’s a multitude of reasons why being a junior coach is not only fun but educational. Here’s what some of our Junior Coaches said they’re favorite part of being a Junior Coach was:

“Being able to play games with the little kids and getting to be with my friends.” – Caylee, Brookview Elementary

“Being with Coach Nathan is a great experience. I get to do a lot of fun things with the little kids.” – Juliemar, Brookview Elementary

“I love being with Coach Meme and helping people. I also like being a good example at recess.” – Whitney, Circle City Prep

“I like being a Junior Coach because it’s fun and I help people.” – Tyler, Brookside Elementary

As you can see, all our Junior Coaches love to be outside at recess helping the Playworks staff. They’re building relationships with Playworkers and also taking on a lot of responsibility. Our Junior Coaches attend weekly after school meetings where they’re able to make decisions about recess and class game time. They also get to learn and play a ton of new games!

Shoutout to Lakeside Elementary, Brookview Elementary, SUPER School 19, Brookside Elementary, Global Prep Academy, and other schools for having outstanding Junior Coaches!

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