Make a difference on the playground . . . join us for the Playworks Chicago Volunteer Launch!
Tuesday, November 15, 6 – 7:30pm
DePaul University Student Center
Room 315 (Lincoln Park Campus)
2250 N. Sheffield Ave, Chicago, IL 60614
We are a national nonprofit that just opened its doors in Chicago this past summer. We support learning by providing safe, healthy and inclusive play and physical activity to schools at recess and throughout the entire school day.
This is a free, introductory orientation to our volunteer program, where you will learn more about how you can support our programming as a volunteer helping out our fully-trained program coordinators at their schools or as an assistant coach for our developmental sports leagues.
Light refreshments in the form of goody bags, and a whole lot of fun, will be provided.
P.S. Be ready to play games and get active!
P.P.S. This means wear comfortable clothing and shoes. No business casual required!
RSVP to Kim Lombardi, Program Associate & Volunteer Manager, by NOVEMBER 10:
Space is limited.