Game Tag: Indoor Game

  • Large Group (10 and up)

  • Grades 1-2

  • No equipment needed

  • 10 minutes or more

  1. Indoor Game
  2. Readiness Games

The Bone ›

  • Large Group (10 and up)

  • Grades 3-5

  • Chalk

  • 10 minutes or more

  1. Indoor Game

Key Punch ›

  • Large Group (10 and up)

  • Grades 3-5

  • None

  • Less Than 10 minutes

  1. Icebreaker
  2. Indoor Game

This is My Nose ›

This game of concentration will stump your students and keep them wanting more. In this game, students begin in a circle with one student leader in the middle. The student…

  • Any Size

  • Grades 3-5

  • Jump Ropes

  • 10 minutes or more

  1. Icebreaker
  2. Indoor Game

Knots on a Rope ›

  • Any Size

  • Grades 3-5

  • None

  • 10 minutes or more

  1. Icebreaker
  2. Indoor Game

Tomato ›

coach instructing students
coach instructing students
  • Any Size

  • Grades 1-2

  • None

  • Less Than 10 minutes

  1. Indoor Game
  2. Readiness Games

Land, Sea, Air ›

This game of concentration and movement reinforces listening skills and self-control. Use this interactive game indoors, outdoors, as a brain break, or when transitioning to a new activity.

  • Large Group (10 and up)

  • Grades 1-2

  • Balls

  • Less Than 10 minutes

  1. Ball Games
  2. Icebreaker
  3. Indoor Game

Tornado ›

  • Large Group (10 and up)

  • Grades 1-2

  • No equipment needed

  • Less Than 10 minutes

  1. Icebreaker
  2. Indoor Game
  3. Readiness Games

Bob the Bunny ›

  • Any Size

  • Grades 1-2

  • Hula Hoops

  • 10 minutes or more

  1. Indoor Game
  2. Readiness Games

Lava Game ›

The ground has become HOT “Lava” and the only way across is using hula hoops as leaping pads. Can your students get from one side to the other without touching…