Trick ‘O Treat

Any Size
Grades 1-2
Less Than 10 minutes
Development Goal
Cooperation, teamwork, geographic orientation, sense of boundaries
Before You Start
- Divide into 4 groups. There should be a minimum of 4 people per group, and a maximum of 10-11.
- If there are not enough for 4 peopler per group, divide into 2, or 3 groups, instead. Remember to decrease amount of balls according to number of teams.
- Have each team line up behind each base. The base they are lined up behind is their home base. Their home base is also the door to the house with the treats (“balls”) they want to grab before they run out.
- Assign a number to each player (in a similar fashion to “Steal the Bacon”)
- If teams are not even, have as many players as you need to be multiple numbers so that each player is assigned at least one number.
Set Up
Ideal play space is a kickball diamond, with the balls set up in the middle of the diamond. If a kickball diamond is not present, a triangle or diamond can be set up using cones as boundaries. It is recommended that a hula-hoop be used as a guard around the balls to keep them from rolling away. There should always be one ball less than team (i.e. 4 teams = 3 balls, 3 teams = 2 balls).
How to Play
- Each team begins with a line behind their home base. All team members should be prepared to run in the direction of a regular kickball home run (counterclockwise).
- Note: Everyone from each team should be running the same direction
- At the blow of the whistle, the leader calls out a number. Players whose number is called must run a home run back to their home base without cutting any corners.
- Preventing cutting corners: Attach a consequence like 5 jumping jacks for each cut corner.
- Passing: If the player catches up to another, they must pass from the outside around the other student.
- When the player returns to their home base, they must touch it to indicate they have “rang the doorbell” to enter and grab a treat. Once they touch their home base they are allowed to run inside the house and grab the treats in the middle.
- Note: Each player can only grab one ball each round.