Pumpkin Face, Raisin Face
Pre K/K
Development Goal
To develop the ability to listen and follow directions
Before You Start
Skills Practiced: Following instructions, social comfort
- A magic word can be used to get the students to stand up and move to the starting area after you explain the game to them.
How to Play
- Children and adults stand in a circle.
- Adult models what a ‘Pumpkin Face’ and a ‘Raisin Face’ look like.
- “Pumpkin Face” = open your body up. Stand on your tip-toes. Put your arms up and stretch. Stretch out your face by opening your mouth big, your eyes wide, and look like a scary Pumpkin Face.
- “Raisin Face”= Getting very low and stretching out your legs until you are sitting on the back of your legs (get very small). Close your face in by squinting your eyes, sucking in your lips, and tightening your cheeks.
- Have the children practice while also saying ‘Pumpkin Face’ or ‘Raisin Face.’
- The adult leads the activity by going back and forth between calling out Pumpkin Face and Raisin Face. Children will then act out and stretch in character.