Land, Sea, Air

  1. Indoor Game
  2. Readiness Games
  • Any Size

  • Grades 1-2

  • None

  • Less Than 10 minutes

This game of concentration and movement reinforces listening skills and self-control. Use this interactive game indoors, outdoors, as a brain break, or when transitioning to a new activity.

Development Goal

To develop students’ concentration and listening skills.

Before You Start

  • Have all players stand with both feet together and their toes behind the line.
  • Explain and demonstate the rules of play.
  • Do a practice round so that all players understand the commands and where their feet must go.

Set Up

One line on the ground that can fit all players shoulder to shoulder with elbow room. (Use tape or chalk to create a line if necessary.)

How to Play

  • One leader will call out commands—”land,” “sea,” or “air.”
  • Players’ feet should always remain together.
  • When the leader says, “air,” players must jump into the air and land in the same place they started.
  • When the leader says, “land,” players must place their toes behind the line. If they are already behind the line, they must not move their feet. If they are in front of the line, they must jump backward with both feet landing behind the line.
  • When the leader says, “sea,” players must place their feet entirely in front of the line. If they are already in front of the line, they must not move their feet. If they are behind the line, they must jump forward with both feet landing entirely in front of the line.
  • Players should always remain facing forward.
  • If players make a mistake, they must run to a pre-identified location—such as another line—and touch it before returning to the game.



  • If players make a mistake, have them move backward to a line behind them.
  • Play elimination style so that if players make a mistake, they must step out (to line up or to another activity) until only one player remains.
  • Use various other calls for different movements, based on the age and ability of the players, such as:
    • Bridge—one foot in the sea, one foot on the land
    • Pirate—standing/jumping on one foot until the leader calls, “argh!”
    • Tornado—spin in a circle one time
  • Use this game as a transitional game where the players who make an incorrect movement are then sent to the next activity (i.e., get a drink, get snack, start homework, line up, etc.).