Kindergarten Kickball

Pre K/K
Development Goal
To develop an understanding of the structure of a kickball field and develop hand-eye and eye-foot coordination.
Before You Start
Skills Practiced: Kicking and running the bases.
Equipment Needed: One kickball, 40 cones (depending on your kickball space).
- Demonstrate running the bases and collecting the cones.
- Ask the students to explain the game back to you.
Set Up
Lay down cones along each of the baselines (approximately 10 cones between home and first base, 10 between first and second base, etc).
How to Play
- Divide players into two teams, kickers and outfielders.
- Coach is the full-time pitcher.
- The outfielders should spread out; their goal is to get the kicked ball back to the pitcher as quickly as possible.
- There are no outs and no foul balls. The kickers line up and kick one at a time.
- The pitcher rolls the ball to the kicker and they kick it as hard as they can.
- Then the kicker runs along the baseline picking up as many cones as possible before the ball is returned to the pitcher.
- Once the pitcher has the ball, he or she yells “STOP!” to the kicker, and the kicker stops running and collecting cones and returns to home base.
- The cones collected are placed back at home base in a pile.
- Then the next kicker kicks and runs along the baseline collecting cones etc.
- Kickers can run either direction on the baselines, but cannot run across the pitcher’s mound.
- The inning is over once all kickers have kicked or if all the cones have been collected.
- Kickers must run the bases in order
- Outfield must tag a base that the kicker is running towards before they yell “STOP!”
- For larger and older classes, put out more cones so all students get a chance to kick.
- Allow tags and pegs to get outs for older classes if tagged cones cannot be placed in a pile.