Fun in a Box

  • Pre K/K

  • None

Development Goal

To develop cooperation and a sense of boundaries

Before You Start

Equipment Needed: Two jerseys if desired

  • Review safe, butterfly tagging.
  • Identify the boundaries, and make sure you have a large playing area.
  • Ask players if they are familiar with “The Cat in the Hat”.  Also, if they know Thing 1 and Thing 2.
  • Go over how the game is going to work.


How to Play

  • Start the players on one of the boundaries.  On a magic word or a whistle, have the players move around the playing area (like a warm up).  You can have them move however you wish, though usually skipping or hopping.
  • Have the players freeze, and spread students out a little if necessary.
  • Randomly select two players to be Thing 1 and Thing 2.  These are the only two players who can move throughout the house.  Preferably these two players can pretend to be flying kites.
  • All of the other players are household items.  They cannot move their feet, only their arms in order to tag.
  • If a household item tags Thing 1 or Thing 2, they switch roles.


Set up an obstacle course and divide the players into two teams – Things 1 and Things 2.