Large Group (10 and up)
Grades 1-2
Less Than 10 minutes
Development Goal
To develop color identification and listening skills
Before You Start
Skills Practiced: Spatial awareness, running, walking, skipping and following directions
- Gather several items of various colors
- Identify visual boundaries (coned or chalked)
- Review colors
- Identify and demonstrate a movement for players to use, such as walking, skipping, chicken walk, galloping or running.
- Discuss how to moving while being aware of others
Set Up
Place colored items throughout playing area.
How to Play
- Call out a color. Every player must move to a dot of that color and place one foot on the dot.
- Be sure that everyone found a dot, and there aren’t too many players on one color.
- Give players the chance to name other objects with that color. “The sun is yellow! So are our pencils!”
- Start all over with a new color.
- Instead of calling out a color, call out an object such as the grass. Playworks must run to a dot of that object’s color (i.e. green).
Indoor Modifications:
- Modify movements so that they are safe for the area that you are using