Catch and Drop

Any Size
Ages 3-5
Less Than 10 minutes
Development Goal
To develop hand-eye coordination.
Before You Start
- Explain how to hit the ball and where to place the ball.
- Use volunteers to demonstrate.
- Point out various rules and directions.
- Choose several volunteer groups to demonstrate before having everyone begin.
- Ask everyone how many bounces can occur in their square and to name three ways that play can be stopped.
Set Up
Use the four-square courts on the playground and/or draw new courts with chalk if needed.
How to Play
- The game begins when one player serves the ball.
- Players let the ball bounce once and then hit it into a different player’s box.
- The receiving player must let the ball bounce once, and then s/he may catch it before, s/he returns the ball in the same manner.
- Play continues until the ball:
- Is hit outside the square.
- Bounces twice before it is returned.
- Is not allowed to bounce.
- Is hit onto a line
- When a player stops the play, s/he goes to the end of the line and a new player comes in square D. The remaining players close the gaps, moving up as necessary.
- Instead of allowing a catch before the ball is returned, you can allow a variety of different techniques before each player returns the ball.
- Examples are bubbles or spins.