Cat & Mice
Large Group (10 and up)
Grades 1-2
Hula Hoops
Less Than 10 minutes
Development Goal
To develop a sense of shared space
Before You Start
- Identify the game boundaries.
- Inform players that the hula hoops may not move from their spots.
- Provide an example to the game.
- Demonstrate safe tagging:
- Light touch, like butterfly wings on the shoulder
- Unsafe tags: hard contact that might cause the person being tagged to fall
- Identify five players to be cats (or one cat for every four mice).
Set Up
Place hula hoops out in a game space that is coned or chalked out
How to Play
- Allow four players to place a foot in each hula hoop. This will be their mice hole.
- Call out “Mice travel!” and all the players/mice must find a new mice hole/hula hoop.
- While mice are looking for a new hole, the cat will try to tag a mouse.
- If a mouse gets tagged, s/he will become the cat, and the cat will get to be a mouse.
- Have mice who are tagged go to a mouse container and have other mice rescue them.
- Tagged mice turn into cats to help tag other mice.
- Tagged mice can do jumping jacks or other tasks to get back in the game.