Blank Slate Foursquare

Any Size
Ages 3-5
10 minutes or more
Development Goal
To develop eye-hand coordination and strategic thinking skills.
Before You Start
- One player is in each square and the other players wait in line and cheer on the group.
- Explain and practice rotation: Players enter from square D, then go to C, C goes to B, B goes to A, and finally the player in square A goes to the end of the line.
- Explain the rules of Blank Slate Four Square.
- Check that everyone understands the rules.
- Encourage players to pass out high fives and cheer each other on!
Set Up
A standard four square area is one large square, 10’ x 10’ divided into four smaller squares (5’ x 5’), and each box is labeled A, B, C, D or 1, 2, 3, 4.
How to Play
- Play begins when the person who just entered the four square—in square D or 4— serves the ball.
- The ball can only bounce once in any square.
- Each player must hit the ball with any part of their hand into an opposing player’s square after it has bounced only once in their own square.
- If a player makes a mistake, every player must rotate—D to C, C to B, B to A, and A to the line–and a new player enters into square D.
- Mistakes include:
- The ball lands on a line.
- The ball goes out of bounds.
- The ball bounces twice in one square.
- A player catches or holds the ball.
- The ball is returned before it is allowed to bounce.
- After players rotate, play begins again with a serve from the new player in square D.
See the game of Foursquare for many variations!