Join Playworks in games, play, and fun in four public parks this Feburary and March. In partnership with Target, KaBOOM!, and the National Recreation and Parks Association, Playworks will be leading family-friendly, inclusive play at free public Play Everywhere events taking place on successive Saturdays starting Feb 17 in Dallas, followed by Houston, Atlanta, and Miami.
Families and kids will learn about and experience the benefits of play through games and challenges that will help communities imagine how their neighborhoods could become more playful. Enjoy games, music, food and family fun!
Spots are limited so register TODAY. You’ll enter the course within the one-hour time block you select on your registration. After you reach the finish line, stay and join us for other playful festivities! Walk-ins for the course are welcome based on availability. Registration is not required to enter the adjacent festival area where you can enjoy fun family engagements.