
September 28, 2017

Build Rapport by Playing ›

6-minute course Trust is the foundation of learning, and playing together builds trust. Try on fun, play-based strategies for developing rapport with your students.

September 28, 2017

Game Facilitation ›

12-minute course Make games your most effective teaching tool. Learn to choose group games that align with desired student outcomes. Plus, learn four steps for quick, effective game facilitation.

September 28, 2017

Systems for Recess Success ›

8-minute course After recess, kids should be in class—not in the nurse’s office or the principal’s office. Use these systems to establish a safe, positive recess environment.

September 25, 2017

Manage Groups through Play ›

8-minute course Keep behavior challenges in check. Learn 5 play-based strategies for proactive, positive behavior management in the classroom and beyond.