
September 28, 2017

Focus Energy with a “Brain Break” Game ›

7-minute course Afternoon slump? Help students mentally and physically re-focus with a readiness game, or “brain break”. Learn how to facilitate a readiness game effectively.

September 28, 2017

Build Community through Icebreaker Games ›

5-minute course Making friends is hard! But positive relationships between students make a big difference in school climate. Learn to lead icebreaker games that help students build community.

September 28, 2017

Build Skills using Core Games ›

3-minute course Games can help kids learn skills they need in the classroom. Learn how core games like foursquare can teach students to encourage other, be inclusive, and solve conflicts.

September 28, 2017

Make New Games Fun for All Students ›

8-minute course New games can be confusing! Use multiple learning styles to prepare all students for success. Try these four steps.

September 28, 2017

Help Students Grow with Rules & Consequences ›

7-minute course Appropriate rules and consequences help students grow. Learn the “3 Rs” approach to helping students shift behavior, and see it used in the context of game play.

September 28, 2017

Support Impulse Control using Signals ›

7-minute course Do kids crowd the door when you say “backpacks”? Replace that accidental cue with fun, clear signals to help students know exactly when to start or end activities.

September 28, 2017

Create Smooth Transitions through Play ›

5-minute course Transitioning students between activities can be part of the fun. Learn a few best-practices for effective, play-based transitions and try them on for yourself.

September 28, 2017

Save Time with Playful Attention Getters ›

5-minute course “One, two, three, all eyes on me.” Want to really get kids’ attention? Switch up your go-to attention getters. Identify new options for different energy levels and goals.

September 28, 2017

Frame Playtime with Openings & Closings ›

7-minute course Transitions to and from academic time are an opportunity to re-focus. Help kids mentally prepare for learning or play with these strategies for opening and closing recess.