
November 7, 2017

Make New Games Fun for All Students ›

8-minute course New games can be confusing! Use multiple learning styles to prepare all students for success. Try these four steps.

September 28, 2017

Playworks in the Classroom ›

10-minute course Children learn through play. Leverage these play-based strategies in your classroom. Plus, identify and learn to address common barriers to play.

September 28, 2017

Build Skills using Core Games ›

3-minute course Games at recess can help kids learn skills they need in the classroom. Learn to use core games like foursquare to teach students to encourage other, be inclusive, and solve conflicts.

September 28, 2017

Use Visual Systems to Support Student Leaders ›

8-minute course Kids can and should start and sustain safe, inclusive games at recess. Learn how visuals help students do just that. Plus, learn how to begin implementing visual systems…

September 28, 2017

Equipment Systems: More Play, Less Chaos ›

8-minute course When equipment is scattered, lost, destroyed, or hoarded, fewer kids play actively at recess. Learn how to implement an effective equipment system and see how it works in action.

September 28, 2017

Make Conflict Resolution a Habit ›

11-minute course Equip students to solve conflicts quickly using Rock-Paper-Scissors. Then, make it stick. Learn how to develop routines and habits to build a culture of student-led conflict resolution.

September 28, 2017

Solve Problems Quickly using Rock-Paper-Scissors ›

4-minute course Without a clear strategy for conflict resolution, small disagreements can become major conflicts. Equip students to solve their own conflicts quickly using Rock-Paper-Scissors.

September 28, 2017

Release Energy through a Tag Game ›

5-minute course Kids learn better when they are active. Learn how to safely facilitate quick tag games to get out energy and prepare students to focus on academics.

September 28, 2017

Foster Teamwork through Cooperative Games ›

6-minute course Games can teach kids to work together. Learn how to effectively facilitate cooperative games to help students develop teamwork and leadership skills.